Asset Response Object
This object corresponds to the Asset Request Object in the request. The main container object for each asset requested or supported by the Exchange on behalf of the rendering client. Only one of the title, img, video, data objects should be present in each object. The id is to be unique within the Asset Object array so that the response can be aligned.
Attribute | Triplelift Required | Type | Description |
id | no | integer | Optional if assetsurl/dcourl is being used; required if the embedded asset is being used |
required | no | integer | Set to 1 if asset is required |
title | no | object | Title object for title assets |
img | no | object | Image object for image assets |
video | no | object | Video object for video assets. Note that instream video ads are not part of Native |
data | no | object | Data object for ratings, prices, etc. |
link | no | object | Link object for call to actions. The link object applies if the asset item is activated (clicked) |
ext | no | object | This object is a placeholder that may contain custom JSON extensions to OpenRTB |
Updated about 2 years ago