Banner Object
The presence of the Banner object has a direct child of the Impression Object indicates that this particular impression is offered as a banner type impression. The publisher can also offer the same impression as a video, audio, or native type impression but at least one impression type must be specified.
Attribute | Triplelift Required | Type | Description |
format | yes | array of objects | An array of format objects representing the banner sizes permitted for the ad slot. |
w | no | integer | Exact width in device independent pixels; recommended if format isn't specified |
h | no | integer | Exact height in device independent pixels; recommended if format isn't specified |
wmax | no | integer | Maximum width in device independent pixels; deprecated in favor of format array |
hmax | no | integer | Maximum height in device independent pixels; deprecated in favor of format array |
wmin | no | integer | Minimum width in device independent pixels; deprecated in favor of format array |
hmin | no | integer | Minimum height in device independent pixels; deprecated in favor of format array |
btype | no | array of integers | Blocked banner ad types |
battr | no | array of integers | Blocked creative attributes |
pos | no | integer | Ad position on the screen. |
mimes | no | array of strings | Content MIME types supported. |
topframe | no | integer | Indicates if the banner is in the top frame as opposed to an iframe; 0 = no, 1 = yes |
expdir | no | array of integers | Directions in which the banner may expand. |
api | no | array of integers | List of supported API frameworks for this impression. |
id | no | string | Unique identifier for this banner object. Highly recommended when sent along with a Video object to represent an array of companion ads. |
ext | no | object | Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions of OpenRTB. |
Updated about 2 years ago