Banner Object

The presence of the Banner object has a direct child of the Impression Object indicates that this particular impression is offered as a banner type impression. The publisher can also offer the same impression as a video, audio, or native type impression but at least one impression type must be specified.

AttributeTriplelift RequiredTypeDescription
formatyesarray of objectsAn array of format objects representing the banner sizes permitted for the ad slot.
wnointegerExact width in device independent pixels; recommended if format isn't specified
hnointegerExact height in device independent pixels; recommended if format isn't specified
wmaxnointegerMaximum width in device independent pixels; deprecated in favor of format array
hmaxnointegerMaximum height in device independent pixels; deprecated in favor of format array
wminnointegerMinimum width in device independent pixels; deprecated in favor of format array
hminnointegerMinimum height in device independent pixels; deprecated in favor of format array
btypenoarray of integersBlocked banner ad types
battrnoarray of integersBlocked creative attributes
posnointegerAd position on the screen.
mimesnoarray of stringsContent MIME types supported.
topframenointegerIndicates if the banner is in the top frame as opposed to an iframe; 0 = no, 1 = yes
expdirnoarray of integersDirections in which the banner may expand.
apinoarray of integersList of supported API frameworks for this impression.
idnostringUnique identifier for this banner object. Highly recommended when sent along with a Video object to represent an array of companion ads.
extnoobjectPlaceholder for exchange-specific extensions of OpenRTB.